Best 2d to 3d video converter software free download
Best 2d to 3d video converter software free download

best 2d to 3d video converter software free download

Over the last few years there has been much research into creating depth-maps using non stereo images mainly for robotic vision, but the result of this research has actually benefited 2d to 3d conversions All studio House conversions use depth-maps to achieve the correct 3d depth of objects, and this process is very labor intensive, but the difference between a movie converted using depth-maps and ones that use pixel parallax effect is huge. The problem with these quick converters and why in my opinion they suck is that they do not use Depth-maps. Most of them work the same way, just a horizontal pixel shift, but you get definite issues with foreground and background depth.

best 2d to 3d video converter software free download

If your anything like me then you are not very impressed with the range of so called 2d to 3d converters available on the market.

best 2d to 3d video converter software free download

I downloaded a trial of it and was so impressed that i bought a copy I do not work or get paid in any form for recommending this software.

Best 2d to 3d video converter software free download